Holding/Releasing State E-files

By default, ATX holds State e-files until the corresponding Federal e-file has been accepted for states that prefer prior Federal acceptance. With this preference enabled, held State e-files will automatically be released upon Federal acceptance. Released e-files will not be automatically transmitted. See Transmitting E-files. See E-file Manager Preferences.

To manually Hold or Release State e-files upon creation:

Each time e-files are created, the E-file Creation Results Dialog Box is where the process is completed.

Assuming the e-file was created successfully:

= Held

= Released

Click the notification to toggle between Held and Released.

To manually Hold or Release State e-files in a batch:

  1. In the E-file Manager, mark each E-file Return to be Held or Released.

Federal and State e-files are listed separately.

  1. Do one of the following:
  • To Hold all marked e-files, click the E-file menu; then, select Hold Marked E-files.
  • To Release all marked e-files, click the E-file menu; then, select Release Marked E-files.


See Also:

Creating E-files